Developing animal free milk fat from yeast: Interview with Tomas Turner, CEO of Cultivated Biosciences

Over consumption of animal-based food products has been linked to heart diseases, stroke and other illnesses . Animal agriculture has also received increasingly bad press in the last few years, due to a growing understanding of the suffering inflicted on animals and its impact on the environment. Nowadays, you see a lot of companies jumping on the plant-based bandwagon due to increasing demand from consumers . However a lot of plant-based food items, including dairy alternatives do not make it to the consumer’s kitchen shelves. Why? It seems illogical, right? People nowadays, due to easy access to the internet and information, are more informed about risks associated with animal-based diets yet they seem reluctant to move towards a plant-based diet. One of the key factors is flavour, or the lack of it. There’s no accounting for taste. But when it comes to plant-based dairy alternative products, a lot of consumers agree that most of the products available in the market are missing...