How to dress your drink in innovation and creativity?

In conversation with Chris Crocker, Founder of Good Koffee If you were asked to create your own “ dream drink” and sell it, what would you choose to sell? And if you see that everyone around you is trying to sell their own version of dream drink too, what would you do to stand out? I have asked this question to a lot of people and most of them answer, “ we would try to dress our drink in innovation and creativity. After all it's the newness and the sense of adventure that intrigues humans.” Although it might be true, it is easier said than done. I have surfed through the shelves of various supermarkets and while at first glance, a lot of drinks did seem ‘ novel ’ , when I carefully looked at their packaging information, I found out a lot of them are quite similar. There ’ s nothing truly new to a lot of them. And that ’ s how I realised that although everyone talks about making a product creative and innovative, not everyone has been able to do it. It is not impossible but only f...